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Our Top 5 tips for getting involved in the Hertfordshire Libraries Reading Challenge this year


With funds tight this year many of us will be looking for free or cheap activities to do with the children this summer. We have blogs filled with ideas on this subject but one really great activity to get involved with is the Hertfordshire Libraries summer reading challenges which run every year.

Marvellous Makers aims to keep children reading throughout the summer holidays and rewards them for reading for pleasure.

Last year, Hertfordshire Libraries had almost 20,000 children take part in the challenge. We’d love to help each and every Hertfordshire child to enjoy reading this summer.

To find out more about the challenge and access brilliant online reading resources visit the Summer Reading Challenge website.

It doesn't matter if you are a seasoned library pro or a newbie its free to sign up!As children report back on what they have read, they’ll collect a set of transferable stickers (some scratch and sniff). Each set of stickers will be provided for every two books read.

They encourage children to read 6 library books over the summer holidays. This could include listening to an e-audiobook, reading independently or even parents or carers reading picture books to younger ones... all reading is good reading in our book!

The Challenge is a fun way to maintain children’s reading levels over the summer and provide them with a confidence boost. Best of all, it is completely free to take part!

But if you are struggling to make reading appealing as a summer activity for the little ones our top tips may just help.

Tip Number One

Let them choose their own books about what ever they want too. Perhaps even an audio book if they would prefer that. Its hard sometimes to not influence their choices but if you want them to embrace the challenge they need to choose the books they want. Even if that does mean 7 football books which is exactly what my eldest chose on his last visit to the library.

Tip Number Two

Make going to chose the books and return them to report back to staff a fun activity in itself, plan it into your weekly plans, why not take snacks and visit the park on the way home, or pop into another local free attraction like Hertford Museum enroute. 

Tip Number Three

Get creative with reading locations. Library books dont need to just be read at home, challenge your kids to read in the most interesting places, can they read in a park, can they make a den and read inside, are you going away can they read on the beach? At the zoo? At the farm? The possibilities are endless and we bet the library staff would love to hear about your adventures with your books as well. Pictured below is my husband and eldest son (when he was a baby) at the Gruffalo trail. 

Tip number Four

Involve the whole family, can elder siblings read to younger ones, can you read books together as a family, can you read to grandparents or an elderly relative? And dont forget to borrow books yourselves, children foster their behaviour on what they observe so if they see you engaged in a book i'm sure they will want to join in too.

Tip number Five

Get their friends involved, if you can involve your childrens friends in the reading challenge we guarantee their enthusiasm will go up ten fold. Can you arrange to meet another family at the library weekly? Or can your child video call a friend to tell them about the books? Maybe they could set up their own book club once a week. The possibilities are endless.

We cant wait to get stuck into the reading challenge this year.

More information on the library challenge can be found here.

Will you be signing up?

Kayleigh & The Boys


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